The city of one of the most important ones in Latin America, is a great cosmopolitan and many-sided metropolis.With its evident universal influence, this city astonishes the tourist. It is the capital of the Argentine Republic and the vital bond of the nation.It offers a wide variety of attractions: monuments, churches, museums, art galleries and theatres; squares, parks and gardens with ancient trees; typical neighborhoods; large commercial centres, traditional and modern hotels, typical restaurants and international cuisine.As long as European architecture is concerned, many streets recall those of Paris.
Its numberless museums, exposition and conference centers, art galleries, cinemas and theatres with high level national and international spectacles are witnesses of its important cultural life.
The Colon Theatre, one of the most important lyrical theatres in the world, is seat, together with some other scenarios, of an intense musical activity that comprises all genres including, of course, the famous and typical Tango; besides, the city is frequently visited by orchestras, groups and soloists from all over the world.Financial, stock-exchange and economical seat of the country, Buenos Aires is the principal port of the nation. It has an intense commercial activity, reflected in numberless shops of the main world famous branches, shop centres and commercial shopping.Buenos Aires is a city with its own personality, open to the World's architecture, culture and art; cosmopolitan and contradictory, dynamic and traditional, historical and avant-garde.
The size of Buenos Aires forces travelers to choose their visits very well. Without a good guide, the city may seem scattered. Therefore, it is advisable to choose different itineraries depending on the travelers' free time.